Monday, September 23, 2013

Juicing! 45 Day Challenge

Hey everyone!  So my fiancee (only 47 more days til hubby) and I have decided to go on a juice fast, which is more of a juice challenge if you ask me because it definitely will be a struggle and a challenge.  I know many people out there are wondering why in the world would someone go on a juice fast?  Well there are a couple of reasons actually, ONE of course is weight loss; drinking juice is obviously a quick way to drop pounds fast for things such as.....Weddings!!!  TWO we want to reboot our whole digestive system and a juice fast is a great way to cleanse, and THREE if we drink only fruits and vegetables for the next 45 days we will acquire more of a taste for them and since both of us are really picky we really need to acquire a taste for more produce.  Along with the fast, fiancee and I are going to exercise, mostly just walk but doing physical activity will be good for us.  Today begins our official 45 day juice fast; I will, of course, keep you updated on my progress and what I think of the whole fast.  Beginning out I weigh 147lbs so we will hopefully see a nice change there.  If you want to learn more about juice fasts I highly encourage you to watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead,  it is available on netflix and it's what encouraged me to start the fast.  If you are starting a juice fast you can go here and read more about juicing and get recipes, etc.  With that said I will update ya'll soon.   Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weight Watchers

Hey everyone!! I hope you all had amazing holidays and a great kick off to the new year, I know I did!! One thing most people do at the beginning of the year is make a new year's resolution, well.....I made my new year's resolution and it isn't to lose weight but to start a weight loss program and stick to it (then the losing weight part will just fall in place).  So last week I joined Weight Watcher's, I hear so many people talk about it and they all seem to (pardon my gangster) give it mad props.  So in starting it I thought that it was pretty easy to follow and seems like something that would be rather easy to stick to as long as one has the motivation because it doesn't deprive one of things they want to eat, what you put in your mouth is in your hands all you have to do is weigh the pros and cons of the points you're about to spend on that tasty treat you love so much.  In the past week I have realized how much I overate and just never knew it, it's all about portions for this girl and I just had no idea how much food I was shoving in my face hole.  Weight Watchers put me on a 26 points a day regimen and I have been doing pretty swell on eating all of my points which is something I'm proud of because in previous diet attempts when I was counting my calories I never ate enough, I could never reach that 1200 calorie a day goal and that is bad because I was basically starving myself so Weight Watchers seems to be doing it for me.  I lost 3 lbs last week and I'm pretty happy with that number.  Now on a more depressing note.....I'm sick this week :(  My amazing boyfriend gave me a head cold, thank you so much boyfriend for this gift but I don't want it.  Unfortunately I can't go to the gym until I get better because A) I don't want to spread these germs to everyone else and B) I can hardly breathe, I just might die on the treadmill of suffocation.  Needless to say I can't wait to get over this cold and get to the gym because as much as I'm eating right I need to workout.  And the last note I wanted to hit on is I have decided to share my weekly Weight Watchers menu with ya'll so you can see exactly what I'm eating and hopefully make and be inspired by healthy recipes that I eat.  This will also help those of you that maybe can't afford Weight Watchers to be able to follow a Weight Watchers plan and know how many points certain things are and also those of you who are on Weight Watchers but just need a little help on food ideas this is a place you can come for that.  So that's all I wanted to say today and I'll be posting next week my meal plans from this week and also my progress of this week.  Have a great week ya'll!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 1 Results

Okay so I wanted to kind of ease my way into this but I just can't hold it back so I'm just gonna go out there and say it..... I lost 3.5 pounds!!! Oh yea, mhmmm, happy dance.  When I got on that scale yesterday I was only expecting to lose a pound so you can say I was a little shocked and way more excited when I saw that number.  I also have to add that I moved down a category on the BMI chart, I am no longer borderline obese, I'm just overweight and I'm telling you now that I will never go up on that chart ever again.  I never thought that I was even close to being obese, I sure don't look it but apparently I was in danger of it and thankfully I'm not anymore and won't be again.  So yea 3.5 I can't believe it.  For me, knowing that I'm losing weight just makes me want to work out more, seeing that 3.5 loss pumped me up and I'm ready to go for more.  So how did I do it last week?? Well I already shared with ya'll my healthy breakfast and lunch that I ate everyday but food is only half of it, I did do a little working out.  I was a little disappointed with how many days I went to the gym last week, I was hoping to go more, but hopefully I'll get better at working out because I only worked out 3 days and I want to work out at least 5.  But anyways here is what I did this week: My Workout

So there ya have it, 3.5 pounds down only 21 more to go :)

no pain no gain (or in my case no pain no loss lol)
Have a great week ya'll!! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Let's Talk Food

Hey everyone!! I wanted to take this time to share with ya'll the awesome foodies I've been eating this week that have not only filled me, and given me energy but are so super healthy (and under 200 calories per meal might I add).  So I pretty much have eaten the same thing everyday for breakfast and lunch this week and I do this because it's easier for me to know how much I'm eating and to keep eating healthy but also because it's just so dang good.  So I cook breakfast before work every morning and I know that sounds like really crazy I mean who in the heck wants to give up precious sleep to cook breakfast, right??  Well this girl is determined to drop the pounds so instead of eating a bowl of cereal or picking up breakfast I take 5 minutes out of my morning to cook it.  My breakfast is really quite simple actually, I scramble a cup of liquid egg whites and microwave 2 turkey sausage patties and wash it down with half a cup of fat free milk (I only do half a cup because I drink 8oz of water before every meal) and my whole entire delicious breakfast only contains 190 calories, and 5g of fat.  For lunch I get in those green veggies, I can't eat gluten so bread is out of the question for me but I love sandwiches so instead of bread I use lettuce and basically make like a lettuce wrap with sun dried tomato turkey (YUM) and then instead icky processed carb and bad calorie filled chips I dip a cup of cucumbers in 2 tbsp of fat free Italian dressing and this light yet filling lunch totals to a tasteful 120 calories, and 0.6g of fat.  You could also add cheese or other yummy but light ingredients to yours but that's just what mine is.  So there ya have it, my everyday breakfast and lunch routine that is good and good for you.  Now I should go shed some pounds in the gym and then tennis.  Grab a racket ya'll, tennis is a great and fun way to get fit!

Thought I would leave ya with a laugh :)
damn you calories 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back on the Lose It Wagon

First of all I just have to say.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! I'm so excited for the holiday season; Thanksgiving is sadly over and man oh man how I miss all of those delicious desserts (my amazing momma made me gluten free cookies, pumpkin pie, and chocolate torte) but now Christmas is on it's way and I am just so very happy to spend that time with my family and have some days off (2 weeks to be exact).  But also with it being the holiday season there is just so much food surrounding me from homemade candies and cookies to the big meals with the fam band and all the snacking, oh me oh my, I wish it wasn't all so tempting but it is.  Honestly ya'll it's going to be so hard not to eat myself away and even more difficult to stay on a work out schedule for two weeks when I really won't have a schedule for that time but I'm determined to do it. So with that said I just want to tell ya'll that I'm back on the "lose it" wagon.  I have realized that my weight loss isn't something I can put aside any longer and decided that it's time and so I started my journey yesterday.  I turn 21 this coming March so I used my birthday to set a goal; I want to look and feel great when I go out that night so my goal is to lose 25 pounds by March 30. I'm hoping to look a little something like this.....

 isn't she a sexay beeotch :)

It's gonna be a toughie but I think I can sink this ship of fat.  So that's about it, I just wanted to share with ya'll that I'm up for the challenge and this girl is in it to win it because I'm determined to be a mean, lean, sexified machine.  I shall update ya'll on what I'm doing and progress in posts to come so stay tuned. Now get your butt up and do some burpees :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Update!!!! Where have I been?

Hey everyone!! So I realize that I've been missing for a few weeks now but don't worry, I'm back with full force.  So...where have I been???  Well let me tell you, life for me right now is super busy.  I started going back to work and school a few weeks ago and have been getting in the groove of all that jazz because I'm telling you going from a summer where you wake up at 11am and do nothing but tan and shop all day makes it quite difficult to transition back to being awake and doing stuff from 5:30am to 10pm.  But I really haven't been posting because I sadly have nothing to post about, that's right, I haven't been working out. AHHH! This is no good.  So I have been thinking that it's time to get back on the horse since I have given myself a few weeks to get accustomed to my new schedule there shall be no more excuses.  But since I do go to school and work from 5:30a-10p I had to work out a schedule where I could get my exercising in and finally I have figured it out.  On the days that I go to work I will take time to work out there which is awesome because there is an elliptical and some free weights at work and then on the days I don't go to school I will spend an hour in the beloved gym.  I hope all of you have your schedules down and (unlike me) are kicking serious butt.  I will be back soon with something fun to talk about but until then have a happy week ya'll!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

No More Challenge (Sadness)

Hello everyone!!! So I just wanted to drop in and tell ya'll that unfortunately I had to quit my 30 day vegetarian challenge :(  I really didn't want to because I was like I definitely don't want to be a quitter but I ended up gaining weight because I couldn't find anything healthy to eat that didn't have meat, dairy, or gluten.  So with that said I wanted to take this time to talk to ya'll about the negative aspects of restricting yourself.  First of all, I want to clear the air on the whole gluten free diet thing and it's as simple as this......if you aren't required to eat gluten free because of a health/allergy reason then by all means eat the shizznits out of that gluten because it's bad for you not to, which most people don't know.  Also if you go on a gluten free diet expecting to lose weight think again; because gluten free alternatives aren't meant for weight loss they actually make them with really unhealthy and fattening things.  I'm not exactly educated on other diets so that's all I'm going to say about a certain diet but now onto just dieting in general.  When I think of dieting I think of either watching what you eat or restricting yourself from eating a certain thing and in my opinion and experience watching what you eat is way better.  Take my past 13 days for example, I took away meat and dairy (and already can't eat gluten) so I limited myself a lot to where I could basically only eat junk food (that didn't have gluten), starch, and veggies.  I am really picky when it comes to veggies so I basically ended up eating rice, potatoes, sometimes tofu, black beans, and chips everyday...BAD!   And of course I actually ended up gaining weight because I limited myself so much I couldn't eat anything healthy that had all the nutrients I need.  My problem was I originally eat low caloric meats that are lean, yogurt, a slice of cheese (for a snack), and a cup of milk (for breakfast) so by limiting myself I acutally went downhill because the things that we think are bad for us actually have really healthy and light alternatives.  So that's really all I have to say, I just want ya'll to keep in mind that when it comes to limiting yourself make sure it's for the better because you don't want to end up like me and gain weight in the long run while suffering because you can't eat anything.  I hope ya'll have a splendid week!