Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 1 Results

Okay so I wanted to kind of ease my way into this but I just can't hold it back so I'm just gonna go out there and say it..... I lost 3.5 pounds!!! Oh yea, mhmmm, happy dance.  When I got on that scale yesterday I was only expecting to lose a pound so you can say I was a little shocked and way more excited when I saw that number.  I also have to add that I moved down a category on the BMI chart, I am no longer borderline obese, I'm just overweight and I'm telling you now that I will never go up on that chart ever again.  I never thought that I was even close to being obese, I sure don't look it but apparently I was in danger of it and thankfully I'm not anymore and won't be again.  So yea 3.5 I can't believe it.  For me, knowing that I'm losing weight just makes me want to work out more, seeing that 3.5 loss pumped me up and I'm ready to go for more.  So how did I do it last week?? Well I already shared with ya'll my healthy breakfast and lunch that I ate everyday but food is only half of it, I did do a little working out.  I was a little disappointed with how many days I went to the gym last week, I was hoping to go more, but hopefully I'll get better at working out because I only worked out 3 days and I want to work out at least 5.  But anyways here is what I did this week: My Workout

So there ya have it, 3.5 pounds down only 21 more to go :)

no pain no gain (or in my case no pain no loss lol)
Have a great week ya'll!! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Let's Talk Food

Hey everyone!! I wanted to take this time to share with ya'll the awesome foodies I've been eating this week that have not only filled me, and given me energy but are so super healthy (and under 200 calories per meal might I add).  So I pretty much have eaten the same thing everyday for breakfast and lunch this week and I do this because it's easier for me to know how much I'm eating and to keep eating healthy but also because it's just so dang good.  So I cook breakfast before work every morning and I know that sounds like really crazy I mean who in the heck wants to give up precious sleep to cook breakfast, right??  Well this girl is determined to drop the pounds so instead of eating a bowl of cereal or picking up breakfast I take 5 minutes out of my morning to cook it.  My breakfast is really quite simple actually, I scramble a cup of liquid egg whites and microwave 2 turkey sausage patties and wash it down with half a cup of fat free milk (I only do half a cup because I drink 8oz of water before every meal) and my whole entire delicious breakfast only contains 190 calories, and 5g of fat.  For lunch I get in those green veggies, I can't eat gluten so bread is out of the question for me but I love sandwiches so instead of bread I use lettuce and basically make like a lettuce wrap with sun dried tomato turkey (YUM) and then instead icky processed carb and bad calorie filled chips I dip a cup of cucumbers in 2 tbsp of fat free Italian dressing and this light yet filling lunch totals to a tasteful 120 calories, and 0.6g of fat.  You could also add cheese or other yummy but light ingredients to yours but that's just what mine is.  So there ya have it, my everyday breakfast and lunch routine that is good and good for you.  Now I should go shed some pounds in the gym and then tennis.  Grab a racket ya'll, tennis is a great and fun way to get fit!

Thought I would leave ya with a laugh :)
damn you calories 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back on the Lose It Wagon

First of all I just have to say.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! I'm so excited for the holiday season; Thanksgiving is sadly over and man oh man how I miss all of those delicious desserts (my amazing momma made me gluten free cookies, pumpkin pie, and chocolate torte) but now Christmas is on it's way and I am just so very happy to spend that time with my family and have some days off (2 weeks to be exact).  But also with it being the holiday season there is just so much food surrounding me from homemade candies and cookies to the big meals with the fam band and all the snacking, oh me oh my, I wish it wasn't all so tempting but it is.  Honestly ya'll it's going to be so hard not to eat myself away and even more difficult to stay on a work out schedule for two weeks when I really won't have a schedule for that time but I'm determined to do it. So with that said I just want to tell ya'll that I'm back on the "lose it" wagon.  I have realized that my weight loss isn't something I can put aside any longer and decided that it's time and so I started my journey yesterday.  I turn 21 this coming March so I used my birthday to set a goal; I want to look and feel great when I go out that night so my goal is to lose 25 pounds by March 30. I'm hoping to look a little something like this.....

 isn't she a sexay beeotch :)

It's gonna be a toughie but I think I can sink this ship of fat.  So that's about it, I just wanted to share with ya'll that I'm up for the challenge and this girl is in it to win it because I'm determined to be a mean, lean, sexified machine.  I shall update ya'll on what I'm doing and progress in posts to come so stay tuned. Now get your butt up and do some burpees :)