Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 1 Results

Okay so I wanted to kind of ease my way into this but I just can't hold it back so I'm just gonna go out there and say it..... I lost 3.5 pounds!!! Oh yea, mhmmm, happy dance.  When I got on that scale yesterday I was only expecting to lose a pound so you can say I was a little shocked and way more excited when I saw that number.  I also have to add that I moved down a category on the BMI chart, I am no longer borderline obese, I'm just overweight and I'm telling you now that I will never go up on that chart ever again.  I never thought that I was even close to being obese, I sure don't look it but apparently I was in danger of it and thankfully I'm not anymore and won't be again.  So yea 3.5 I can't believe it.  For me, knowing that I'm losing weight just makes me want to work out more, seeing that 3.5 loss pumped me up and I'm ready to go for more.  So how did I do it last week?? Well I already shared with ya'll my healthy breakfast and lunch that I ate everyday but food is only half of it, I did do a little working out.  I was a little disappointed with how many days I went to the gym last week, I was hoping to go more, but hopefully I'll get better at working out because I only worked out 3 days and I want to work out at least 5.  But anyways here is what I did this week: My Workout

So there ya have it, 3.5 pounds down only 21 more to go :)

no pain no gain (or in my case no pain no loss lol)
Have a great week ya'll!! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Let's Talk Food

Hey everyone!! I wanted to take this time to share with ya'll the awesome foodies I've been eating this week that have not only filled me, and given me energy but are so super healthy (and under 200 calories per meal might I add).  So I pretty much have eaten the same thing everyday for breakfast and lunch this week and I do this because it's easier for me to know how much I'm eating and to keep eating healthy but also because it's just so dang good.  So I cook breakfast before work every morning and I know that sounds like really crazy I mean who in the heck wants to give up precious sleep to cook breakfast, right??  Well this girl is determined to drop the pounds so instead of eating a bowl of cereal or picking up breakfast I take 5 minutes out of my morning to cook it.  My breakfast is really quite simple actually, I scramble a cup of liquid egg whites and microwave 2 turkey sausage patties and wash it down with half a cup of fat free milk (I only do half a cup because I drink 8oz of water before every meal) and my whole entire delicious breakfast only contains 190 calories, and 5g of fat.  For lunch I get in those green veggies, I can't eat gluten so bread is out of the question for me but I love sandwiches so instead of bread I use lettuce and basically make like a lettuce wrap with sun dried tomato turkey (YUM) and then instead icky processed carb and bad calorie filled chips I dip a cup of cucumbers in 2 tbsp of fat free Italian dressing and this light yet filling lunch totals to a tasteful 120 calories, and 0.6g of fat.  You could also add cheese or other yummy but light ingredients to yours but that's just what mine is.  So there ya have it, my everyday breakfast and lunch routine that is good and good for you.  Now I should go shed some pounds in the gym and then tennis.  Grab a racket ya'll, tennis is a great and fun way to get fit!

Thought I would leave ya with a laugh :)
damn you calories 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back on the Lose It Wagon

First of all I just have to say.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! I'm so excited for the holiday season; Thanksgiving is sadly over and man oh man how I miss all of those delicious desserts (my amazing momma made me gluten free cookies, pumpkin pie, and chocolate torte) but now Christmas is on it's way and I am just so very happy to spend that time with my family and have some days off (2 weeks to be exact).  But also with it being the holiday season there is just so much food surrounding me from homemade candies and cookies to the big meals with the fam band and all the snacking, oh me oh my, I wish it wasn't all so tempting but it is.  Honestly ya'll it's going to be so hard not to eat myself away and even more difficult to stay on a work out schedule for two weeks when I really won't have a schedule for that time but I'm determined to do it. So with that said I just want to tell ya'll that I'm back on the "lose it" wagon.  I have realized that my weight loss isn't something I can put aside any longer and decided that it's time and so I started my journey yesterday.  I turn 21 this coming March so I used my birthday to set a goal; I want to look and feel great when I go out that night so my goal is to lose 25 pounds by March 30. I'm hoping to look a little something like this.....

 isn't she a sexay beeotch :)

It's gonna be a toughie but I think I can sink this ship of fat.  So that's about it, I just wanted to share with ya'll that I'm up for the challenge and this girl is in it to win it because I'm determined to be a mean, lean, sexified machine.  I shall update ya'll on what I'm doing and progress in posts to come so stay tuned. Now get your butt up and do some burpees :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Update!!!! Where have I been?

Hey everyone!! So I realize that I've been missing for a few weeks now but don't worry, I'm back with full force.  So...where have I been???  Well let me tell you, life for me right now is super busy.  I started going back to work and school a few weeks ago and have been getting in the groove of all that jazz because I'm telling you going from a summer where you wake up at 11am and do nothing but tan and shop all day makes it quite difficult to transition back to being awake and doing stuff from 5:30am to 10pm.  But I really haven't been posting because I sadly have nothing to post about, that's right, I haven't been working out. AHHH! This is no good.  So I have been thinking that it's time to get back on the horse since I have given myself a few weeks to get accustomed to my new schedule there shall be no more excuses.  But since I do go to school and work from 5:30a-10p I had to work out a schedule where I could get my exercising in and finally I have figured it out.  On the days that I go to work I will take time to work out there which is awesome because there is an elliptical and some free weights at work and then on the days I don't go to school I will spend an hour in the beloved gym.  I hope all of you have your schedules down and (unlike me) are kicking serious butt.  I will be back soon with something fun to talk about but until then have a happy week ya'll!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

No More Challenge (Sadness)

Hello everyone!!! So I just wanted to drop in and tell ya'll that unfortunately I had to quit my 30 day vegetarian challenge :(  I really didn't want to because I was like I definitely don't want to be a quitter but I ended up gaining weight because I couldn't find anything healthy to eat that didn't have meat, dairy, or gluten.  So with that said I wanted to take this time to talk to ya'll about the negative aspects of restricting yourself.  First of all, I want to clear the air on the whole gluten free diet thing and it's as simple as this......if you aren't required to eat gluten free because of a health/allergy reason then by all means eat the shizznits out of that gluten because it's bad for you not to, which most people don't know.  Also if you go on a gluten free diet expecting to lose weight think again; because gluten free alternatives aren't meant for weight loss they actually make them with really unhealthy and fattening things.  I'm not exactly educated on other diets so that's all I'm going to say about a certain diet but now onto just dieting in general.  When I think of dieting I think of either watching what you eat or restricting yourself from eating a certain thing and in my opinion and experience watching what you eat is way better.  Take my past 13 days for example, I took away meat and dairy (and already can't eat gluten) so I limited myself a lot to where I could basically only eat junk food (that didn't have gluten), starch, and veggies.  I am really picky when it comes to veggies so I basically ended up eating rice, potatoes, sometimes tofu, black beans, and chips everyday...BAD!   And of course I actually ended up gaining weight because I limited myself so much I couldn't eat anything healthy that had all the nutrients I need.  My problem was I originally eat low caloric meats that are lean, yogurt, a slice of cheese (for a snack), and a cup of milk (for breakfast) so by limiting myself I acutally went downhill because the things that we think are bad for us actually have really healthy and light alternatives.  So that's really all I have to say, I just want ya'll to keep in mind that when it comes to limiting yourself make sure it's for the better because you don't want to end up like me and gain weight in the long run while suffering because you can't eat anything.  I hope ya'll have a splendid week!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Little Update

Hey everyone!  So this week has been a little crazy for me because I had a friend visit me and so my schedule is a little off because literally all we do is shop til we drop and eat out.....uh oh.  So needless to say I have only worked out once this week (darn it) and I haven't really been counting my calories because the restaurants we go to aren't exactly in MyFitnessPal but I have still been watching portions and choosing healthier things and what not.  Oh and I also haven't gave in to the temptation of meat :) day 9 of my 30 day vegetarian challenge only 21 more to go yay!  But anyways I am a little scared to hop on that scale this week because I don't want to be disappointed and I was kind of thinking that I would skip the weigh in for this week but then I thought "heather you need to get on that scale because if any damage has been done it will reiterate exactly what slipping does"  so really I don't know what I'm going to do right now but if I do decide to jump on the scale I will definitely let you know if any damage was done or if my portion control paid off with a loss.  But that's about all I have for today!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

30 Day Vegetarian Challenge

Hey everyone!  So I just realized that I haven't told ya'll about my latest challenge and decided that I needed to get on here right away so I could share the news.  So anyways as of August 1 I have been doing a 30 day vegetarian challenge, yes you heard that correctly, this girl will not be eating meat for 30 days.  Crazy right???  Well let me tell you something, this is my 5th day during the whole process and I'm kind of liking the way this is going; I feel so healthy ya'll.  Now, let me give you a little update on what I've eaten.  So for the first night I made a simple tofu stirfry and it was pretty much the bomb dot com and last night I made baked tofu.  I LOVE TOFU!!  For those of you who have never in your life had tofu you should try it because it's delicious stuff, I know it looks funky because it's all white and styrofoamish looking but I think it tastes like chicken honestly lol so don't be afraid, eat it.  Now for the nights that I haven't mentioned, I ate either leftover stirfry or salad so I haven't really been cooking that much.  But funny story......So I basically go big or go home so instead of just cutting out meat I'm cutting out cheese and milk (unless it's soy) and eggs, etc. and for those of you that don't already know, I have celiac's disease which means I can't eat gluten.  So it's really hard for me to go places right now and find things that I can eat but anyways, I went to Top Golf last night and pretty much couldn't eat anything on the menu so I ordered nachos but they had no meat and no cheese and long story short I had some awfully pathetic looking nachos (chips with pinto beans on top haha) and I'm sure the waitress was thinking "this is one weird lady" but I just had to share that sad moment with ya'll.  Anyways, I had no idea how heavy and tired meat made me feel until I cut it out and now I just feel so healthy, energetic, and alive.  With that being said, as much as I am loving how I feel I don't think I'll stop eating meat, after these 30 days I might go back to meat, I'm not sure yet but I'll keep ya'll updated on that.  But yea so that's all I have for the evening and I'll post more updates soon.
this is the stirfry I made
it's not very colorful because I don't like carrots and peppers in mine
but I used: tofu, mushrooms, water chestnuts, onions, and soy sauce

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reward Yourself

Hey ya'll!! So I was sitting here thinking that I was missing or forgetting something and then all of a sudden I realized "holy crap heather!! you haven't posted on your blog in days!"  So here I am posting just for you :)  But anyways, on to today's topic.  I recently joined a group on facebook that is all about women getting fit and today one of the gals asked what we do in order to reward ourselves for goals met as extra motivation and it got me thinking.....I don't have one.  So today I came up with a great idea on how to reward myself for when I meet my goal but also to motivate me to workout.  Now before I tell you what my plan is I want to tell you that if you reward yourself with food, stop it now.  I used to reward myself with food and got nowhere, and also it made me feel like a dog because I reward my puppy with treats so yea, bad idea.  So anyways let me tell you about my new plan :)  Basically what I'm going to do is everytime I hit the gym I will put a dollar in a jar, now you might be thinking "hey i've heard of this before" but mine is a little different, usually the person rewards themselves through out the journey to their goal with this jar but I am not going to touch the jar until I've reached my 30lbs weight loss goal.  This way, I am motivated everyday to go to the gym but I will also be motivated to reach that 30lbs mark and in the end the reward will definitely be a good pay off because I'll have money to go buy new clothes to fit my new bod!  But that is all I have for today, tomorrow I will be posting a Vlog with updates on how I'm doing so far so be looking for it :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Some Motivation

Hey ya'll!! So I decided that since it's about to be the weekend and we all know how hard it is to get up and go to the gym on the weekend I figured I would give ya'll some motivation to get out there and kick butt.  So here ya go, a little piece of encouragement from me to you :)

this one is totally my favorite :)

So anyways ladies that's all I have for today.  Have a great, fit, and healthy weekend!!

A Little Daily Update

Okay ya'll I recorded this yesterday when I got back from the gym but then life got super busy so I wasn't able to post it but here it is.  Just a little bit of workout jibber jabber.

I hope all of your workouts are going great!  And remember, if you aren't dying you aren't trying lol :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Workout Routine (July/August)

Hey ya'll!!  So here is a video of my workout routine for the next month.  I just really wanted to share this with ya'll in case you're ever stumped on a workout you can always use this one :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Schedule It

Hey everyone!  So I just wanted to give ya'll a little tip today and you can sum it all up in one word.  SCHEDULE.  A key element in successful weight loss is staying on a schedule.  I find it super difficult to always make it to the gym and eat right if I'm not on a schedule.  I always find it easier to make excuses as well because if you don't already have it set in stone to be at home to cook a healthy meal or set aside an hour to go to the gym it's easier to say "oh something came up" or "I had plans."  So today I decided to go ahead and set out a schedule for me because in all honesty it's the summer so I have no schedule at all, of course all that will change in a month when I go back to work and school so my schedule will help me get ready for that as well.  So I encourage ya'll if you don't already have a schedule to try and make one or, if you do be sure to pencil in some exercise and cooking time.  So with that said I am going to go to bed so I can get up in the morning and hit the gym :)  Oh and be loooking for a post tomorrow with my work out routine for the next month.  Until tomorrow :)

Let's Get Fit

Hey everyone!! I want to keep my fitness blog separate from my "everything else" blog so I can blog about my work outs and what not more often so here we are :)  I want to start my fitness journey with this blog that way you can see my progress and I can share tips and work outs that worked for me that could possibly reflect in your life as well.  So for starters I am not at the weight I want to be.  I am not comfortable in my own skin so unfortunately I am not going to share my weight or fatty heather pictures of me in revealing undergarments (I only wish I could be that brave) like most weight loss bloggers do.  However, I will tell you that I am setting my goal to lose 40lbs.  Yesterday (Sunday, July 22) was my first day to start my fitness "lifestyle" so you are actually going to be with me every step of the way or should I say every pound of the way.  So basically my plan is to watch what I eat and exercise because the only way to lose weight is to incorporate the best of both worlds.  So food wise my game plan is to not eat the bad stuff (ie. chips, candy, sweets, soda) and count my calories on the good stuff (ie. fruits, veggies, lean meats) and I'm setting my limit to 1200 calories a day (I'll explain why I chose that number in just a second).  Now on the exercise spectrum I plan on going to the gym every other day (3 days a week) and on the days that I don't visit the gym I will do things like Zumba Wii or yard work, etc. that way I am still active and burning the calories but I won't feel like such a slave to the gym and of course I will have a rest day.  I found a rockin app on my phone that will log all of my calories and exercise for the day called myfitnesspal (if you don't have a smartphone you can use www.myfitnesspal.com ) and it is absolutely FREE.  When you go to sign up it asks your height, weight, goal weight, how fast you want to lose weight, etc. and after all that is said and done it tells you how many calories you should be eating a day and that is what is going to set your limit.  So anyways ya'll that is all I really have to say at the moment.  I hope this intro was helpful in maybe jump starting your fitness "lifetstyle" and I will check in tomorrow with ya'll with more goody goody gum drop stuff.

Oh here are some pictures that scream to me "heather lose the weight" and it'll be the guide in my weight loss journey as the "before" pictures.

 maybe it's the stripes but I look huge here

 my stomach has a way of sticking out over my jeans no matter what size

check out that roll lol